Green-Meldrim House

A National Historic Landmark

Savannah, Georgia

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Green Family

Charles Green came to America in 1833 and found work on Factor's Walk as a clerk in the cotton trade.  By 1850 he was one of Savannah's leading residents and wealthiest cotton merchants. He hired architect John Norris to build this grand home for his second wife Lucy. Charles' grandson, Julian Green, was a famous writer who lived in France.
Green Family History
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Meldrim Family

Judge Peter Meldrim was a well-respected Savannah native who purchased the house for $33,000 in 1892 from the Green family.  He and his wife Frances raised five children in the house.  The children loved to roller skate across the main central hall!
Meldrim Family History
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Green-meldrim historical figures

General Sherman, Susie Baker King Taylor, and architect John Norris all played significant roles in the house's history. Sherman used this house as his personal headquarters. Susie learned to read and write as a young slave girl and worked for Mrs. Green as a laundress and cook. She also worked as a nurse and teacher for the Union soldiers. This house is Norris' best-known work.
Historical figure History
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Green Meldrim-house History

The house was built in 1850 under the supervision of architect John Norris.  This ornate example of Gothic Revival Architecture has exquisite interior and exterior details such as plaster moldings and exceptional ironwork.
House History
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Saint John's Church

Saint John's Church (Episcopal) became the owner of the Green-Meldrim House on December 30, 1943. The church uses the house as its Parish House, hosting Sunday coffee hour, meetings, receptions, concerts and other parish events.
Saint John's