Christmas events at the green-meldrim house
The house will be decorated for the holidays after Thanksgiving! We will be open expanded hours before and after Christmas and hope to see you. Scroll down for holiday hours or click on the calendar in the menu.
Christmas in wartime
Holiday Evening Tours December 26, 27 and 28 Spotlighting WARTIME
CHRISTMAS in SAVANNAH - 1859-1866: Tour guides in period costume will recount stories and showcase the house using information about how the holidays were recognized and celebrated during the Civil War years. Experience music, dancing, parlor games and ghost stories.
Christmas in Wartime Schedule
Adults $19 in advance, $21 at the door.
Students(6 to 17 years) $15 in advance, $17 at the door.
Students use coupon code "Student" for discount at check-out.

Special Holiday Hours
Christmas Week: Open Dec. 24 10-4; Closed Christmas Day;-25; Open Dec. 26, 27, 28, 30 and 31 10-4 for tours.
Dec. 26, 27 & 28: Special Tour Event: Christmas in Wartime- 6-8pm. This is a ticketed event.